Safety on the Internet

(image source)

Having the opportunity to be a part of the EdTech department has been a real blessing.  At the same time, I also get to be a part of a school that is making a transition into a 1:1 model using MacBook Pro computers.  The real opportunity here is being able to be a part of two programs that are on the forefront of education and technology.

That being said, priority number 1 as a teacher with students who will be linked to the web more often than not is to help them understand what it means to be safe online as well as what it means to be a good digital citizen.

As a teacher there are 4 (and probably more if I really think about it) guidlines that I want to give my students in regards to internet safety and digital citizenship as they embark on this new educational journey.

Guideline #1:  Privacy is not always private…be aware of what you share!

There is a glaring misconception within our middle school population (and probably most middle school populations) that when you post something on the internet it is only going to go to the people that know you.  The alternative is simple- Be smart with what and to whom you share information.

1.  Do not accept friend requests or email messages from people that you don’t know or

haven’t talked to in person.

2.  Never, EVER, share your password to any of your online accounts. (Facebook, email, etc.)

3.  Set your privacy settings to a strict level to protect your information from strangers on the


For more information on Online Privacy go here:

Guidline #2:  “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction” Newton’s 3rd Law

Consider your actions online something of a chain.  This chain is linked to you the moment that you start joining networks or emails online.  Every action that you take online from searches, or games, to harmful posts and pictures making fun of someone else, will stick with you forever.  It is very possible that inappropriate content that you post to the internet could come back to affect your future.  College administrators and future employers might stumble across comments or pictures that you posted when you were in high school.  They might find this information offensive and not allow you into their institution or the job that you always wanted.  Beware that all information online is open to everyone and sometimes it can affect your future greatly.

For more information on your digital footprint go here:

Guideline #3:  Stand Up for what is right!

Think about what you are using these computers for.  There are strict guidelines in each of your classes about which websites you should be using.  If you see someone on an inappropriate website or postin inappropriate material, report it.  This includes bullying other students!  If everyone works to clean up the web and hold each other accountable, there is no way we will be overcome with the negative information that can be on the web.

Here is more information on cyber-bullying and it’s effects:

Guideline #4:  You are not alone-Communicate with your teacher

Sometimes being online can feel individual.  There are feelings that you are the only one struggling with certain websites, that you are the only one who is being bullied, or the only one who doesn’t know how to use different tools required for our class.  Please come and talk to the teacher about what is going on.  The first goal for all of your teachers is that you are safe and understand the information that we are sharing with you.

For more information about communicating with your teacher go here:

1 Comment

Filed under Edtech541

One response to “Safety on the Internet

  1. I really like that you added a cartoon at the top to keep the tone light. I like how you organized the post into Guidelines. It is easy to understand and comprehensive.

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