Tag Archives: Teaching

EdTech Vision Statement

I never thought i was going to be a teacher.  My mother has been a teacher since I can remember and I never thought i would be involved in education let alone be striving to better myself as an educator.  Since becoming a teacher I have seen how students are not reaching their full potential through traditional means within a classroom such as notes and powerpoint presentations.  The more I learn about being a teacher the more I am understanding that to be a teacher is not to have all of the answers, but rather to ask the right questions.

Currently, I am working in a school that is transitioning into a 1:1 laptop program.  This is an exciting time for our school, but for some teachers a stressful transition.  Our goal with the 1:1 program is not to give each of our students an expensive paper and pencil, but rather to become producers within their own learning.  No longer is the goal of our classes for students to consume knowledge, but rather for students to build the understanding and problem solving abilities to guide their own learning.

When I think about my role within education, I consider myself someone who is willing to step away from the traditional in order to see what potentials could be unlocked from the nontraditional.  I see Educational Technology as a nontraditional path that is bringing innovation to classroom.  Within the next 5 years I want to be fully involved in  the development and training of educators in the uses of different technologies.  The US Department of Education website says, “Online learning opportunities and the use of open educational resources and other technologies can increase educational productivity by accelerating the rate of learning; reducing costs associated with instructional materials or program delivery; and better utilizing teacher time”. I see myself involved in the growth and training of teachers as they begin to integrate technologies into their classrooms.  I want to be training students in new and creative ways of showcasing and sharing what they have learned.  Most of all I want to build up those around me who are in education so that they in turn can impact others.

Works Cited

Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning. (n.d.). U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved June 14, 2014, from http://www.ed.gov/oii-news/use-technology-teaching-and-learning


Filed under Edtech541